Sunday, June 26, 2016

2 months old!

I decided that for each month for her first year I'm going to do a different theme photo plus a comparison with my giant stuffed horse. This month was Harry Potter, since she has very nearly outgrown the Muggleborn onesie I had. I also wanted to get pictures of her in the "First Pair of Boots" outfit with the boots that Cortney gave me for Kaylee. Thanks to Cortney, my kids are super outfited for boots through age 3.

She's smiling now, especially when she sees the boob come out, but also when any of us (me, Eric, Kaylee) engage with her and talk to her. She's also starting to 'talk' back and laugh. I say laugh because she's got big smiles when she does it, but who knows. We haven't gotten to the belly laughs yet.
It's hard to get smiles on camera though! 

Super cute suede leather boots.

And of course, since she was in her cowgirl outfit, we went out for a 'ride' on Gwyn.

Eric had her, no worries there!

And Gwyn gave her kisses.

I ordered some new cloth diapers and used one today! Rainbow Dash!  I'm waiting on some waterproof covers to come, since this one isn't fully leak proof if there's pressure. But it's sooooo cute!

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