Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Day 7: Three things that could make me happier

Christ I thought this was about being thankful. This question really makes me feel greedy? Perspective wise I have a LOT in my life that's good. I feel bad thinking about what MORE I would want.

But it's the prompt, so bare with me.

1. A shorter commute. I spend a lot of time on the road every day commuting to work. Eric and I both. Even shaving 15-20 minutes off of the time would mean more time for the kids and better balance in fitting in exercise, family time, horse time and house cleaning.

2. More money from my job.   I get paid shit for my qualifications and compared to the state average for the job that I have. I'd need to have a 5$/hr raise to meet the AVERAGE salary at full time for a microbiologist in the state of Michigan. It would amount to a $10,000/yr raise.

3. More date time with Eric. Keeping our relationship strong as a couple and not just as parents is very important to me and we have few opportunities to do things like that.

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